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E cigarettes: May be healthier for your lungs but not your oral health

E cigarette

It's not the huffing and puffing on traditional and electronic cigarettes that affects your oral health, but the chemicals and ingredients in those products, particularly your oral health. Nicotine is found in both electronic and traditional cigarettes, and it is the one that has a huge impact on health. Nicotine is a vasoconstrictor, meaning that after consuming it, it tends to reduce the flow of blood via your veins in the body, including the gum tissues.


Without an adequate flow of blood, the gums cannot stay healthy since they don't get the necessary amount of oxygen and nutrients required for them to remain healthy. As such, you could develop oral issues like gingivitis, bad breath, periodontitis, and shifting teeth when the gums become unhealthy. Additionally, nicotine as a stimulant can cause your muscles to move and twitch when they are not supposed to be. This increased muscle movement could lead to teeth grinding, which eventually contributes to cracked teeth, pain, and tooth loss.


Don't assume that e-cigarettes are the safest products for your health, especially dental health. They are not, and before you realize it, you may find they have caused a lot of dental harm. Click here to make an appointment at Shine DDS in Bensonhurst Brooklyn, to talk to us about the benefits of breaking your habit of using e-cigarettes.

Evelyn Shine Dentist

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