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My gums are bleeding, should I be concerned?

Bleeding Gums

Bleeding Gums

Bleeding gums are an indication of gum disease. Gums will naturally bleed if they are pierced or cut just like any other tissue in the body, but when gums bleed spontaneously, or from regular brushing and flossing, it is a tell tell sign that something is wrong and it should never be ignored.

The most common cause of gingivitis is plaque.  Plaque is the sticky film that accumulates on and around our teeth that we aim to brush and floss away.  It is made up of millions of bacteria that can cause an immune response, just as they would anywhere else in the body.  When a wound or a cut in the skin is not cleaned and handled properly, it becomes swollen and infected.  The same process takes place in the mouth, the gums become inflamed, red and bleed.  While thorough brushing is very effective at removing plaque, there is another area in which plaque can accumulate, and that is in between the teeth.  There is a natural space between the tooth and gum – that is the area we are cleaning when we floss.  If we fail to floss our teeth that area will inevitably accumulate plaque because it is not accessible with a toothbrush alone.

Gum disease generally begins in between the teeth, which is why it is important to floss every day!  It is also important to note that there are times when  the gums will have an exaggerated response  to plaque buildup include: hormonal changes (especially those associated with pregnancy), certain medications (particularly blood thinners and blood pressure medications), and underlying medical conditions such as diabetes, an autoimmune disorder, and certain types of cancer.  If your gums are bleeding, it’s important to have your dentist evaluate your condition and create a treatment plan to stop your gum disease from progressing.

Bad Breath

Although bad breath is a very common condition, it is not one that should be ignored.  Everyone has experienced halitosis, or bad breath at some time. SOme causes of bad breath can be from eating too much garlic or onions, or a post-nasal drip. When bad breath becomes persistent however, it is a sign that something is wrong. The cause behind the bad breath can range anywhere from something minor and easily correctable, to something more serious such as an underlying health problem. Halitosis happens to be a very common symptom and indicator of gum disease.  If bad breath is something that has become an issue for you, a thorough and specialized exam with us will quickly reveal any dental and/or gum problems that could be causing this problem. At Shine DDS, Dr. Shine will go through a thorough and proper assessment of your gums in order to come up with the cause and proper treatment of your gum disease. Click here to make an appointment at Shine DDS.

Loose Teeth 

While losing teeth is a normal part of childhood, having loose teeth as an adult is a sign of a serious dental condition and should always be evaluated by a dental professional.  The most common causes of loose teeth in adulthood are:

  1. Advanced Periodontal (Gum) Disease/Periodontitis
  2. Trauma
  3. Clenching/Grinding
  4. Orthodontic treatment

The only time loose adult teeth may be considered normal is while a patient is having orthodontic treatment done and forces are being used to move the teeth into the proper position. The other three causes are always reason to be concerned.

Advanced Periodontal (Gum) Disease/Periodontitis

Periodontitis, which is advanced gum disease and bone loss, is the most common and most serious cause for loose adult teeth. When inflammation of the gums is left untreated, the disease can progress to the point of affecting the bone which is what supports your teeth and keeps them in place. The gingival fibers that connect the gums to the teeth and the teeth to the gums, as well as the bone that holds the teeth in place become affected when one develops periodontal disease. When you notice loose teeth in addition to swollen, red and bleeding gums, that is a sign of bone loss which if left untreated, eventually results in tooth loss.  Loose adult teeth should always be properly examined and assessed by a dentist or periodontist who specializes in this area of dentistry.

Loose tooth due to trauma:

A traumatic injury from an automobile accident, sport injury, etc. can loosen a tooth or even knock it out completely.  If a tooth has been cracked, chipped, loosened or knocked out due to an injury, it should be evaluated by your dentist immediately. 


Clenching or grinding is a very common habit and is another possible cause for loose teeth.  This habit, also known as bruxism, can actually stretch the ligament around the teeth and resulting in loose teeth.  Bruxism can also cause tremendous sensitivity and wear that can lead to the need for more extensive dental treatment.  There are many different types of appliances that can be made and designed to address a patient’s particular issue and they should always be done under the guided recommendation and care of your dentist. 


Click here to make an appointment at Shine DDS in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn. Dr. Shine and her staff will do a thorough evaluation and examination to address all of your dental concerns and needs. 


Evelyn Shine Dentist

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